(901)291-1022 Every Friday & Saturday 11am-11pmĀ You Must Be 21 Years Old to Purchase from this site . The person who purchases the order will need to be present at the time of delivery. We will send a text to confirm your order . Please respond with a photo copy of your goverment issued identification proof that your are of legal drinking age. Once we have verified that you are 21 years of age. We will send you a confirmation that your Order is on the way. All Food items are stapled or tightly sealed. Please have your I.D. available , ready to view. The Driver CAN NOT enter into your home.. Our Drivers are " Trained Uniformed Courteous Professionals ". We will only leave the items with the person who placed the order . You must have goverment issued identification showing that you are of legal drinking age ( 21) . It is illeal to deliver alcoholic beverages to persons visibly intoxicated & minors (persons under 21) . Please allow 1 Hour Delivery time . Be advised " YOU MUST BE 21 TO PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM THIS WEBSITE "
** Delivery Areas** You must have your porch light on . Drivers do not carry cash . Please tip the Driver 38133 , 38134 , 38135 , 38002 , 38029 ** HAPPY HOUR IS EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY 11:00 am - 11:00 pm ** |